Monday, October 11, 2010

The Next Ten Days...

This week, I have so much to do that for the first time in my life I actually think I may not get it all done in time. I have my final for Global Problems which consists of five essays, a separate twelve page paper for the same class, a final exam for my Christian Mind class, and several other smaller assignments. Even though all of these assignments are not due until Sunday, I have to have them done by Friday at 5:00pm because my mom and I have to start to VA Beach so I can catch the bus for the NYC mission trip! I am not normally one to complain about stuff that happens as a result of my own decisions, but this is just crazy.

Please pray for me, and don't expect any more blog posts for the next ten days. When I get back from NYC, I will write a very long and detailed post about finals and the mission trip--if I'm still alive, that is.