Friday, September 3, 2010


This story starts with my attempt to find a hobby that has nothing to do with politics, current events, or school in general. Where this story ends...I don't know yet. This story will be told in the third person and be posted in two parts (because I will not know the outcome until tomorrow).

Noelle Joubert is the type of person who cannot help but have a one track mind; until recently, she thought that she should only participate in activities that have something to do with her intended career. Over the summer, she realized that there was more to life than reading and watching the news. Once she realized this important fact of life, she went on an epic search for a hobby that she would find both challenging and enjoyable.

Her search was fruitless until one week ago when she decided that she wanted to bake truffles and other homemade candies for Christmas gifts this year. The night before last, she looked and looked in all of the cookbooks in the house until she finally stumbled upon two truffle recipes. She settled on one of them and then it was off to town to buy the ingredients.

About an hour ago, Noelle journeyed into the unknown world of baking. She carefully pored the heavy cream in to a saucepan, then added the chopped baker's chocolate and stirred until the substance was a creamy texture. She then added some confectioner's sugar.

Like most other people unfamiliar with the world of baking, she thought that if she followed the recipe exactly,it would turn out right. But like most things in life, it did not turn out the way she planned. It was way too thin, so she put in more and more confectioner's sugar until it was thicker. She will not know until tomorrow whether or not it worked...


  1. HaHa! Just as much for me as for you...

  2. Can't wait to see what happens!

    Baking is weird like that, you follow the recipe to a T and it comes out wrong. You make estimates on everything and it comes out wrong. That's why I pray before I cook and then go out to eat instead haha.

  3. i should just go buy the things, but then i would not have a hobby!
